Seventeen lights and nine beasts, jump up and find yourself down, so you can jump once again, to seduce holy priests. It is a death of a clown. „I see, I see…“ she thinks, while It bleeds.
Pokračovanie článkuSeventeen lights and nine beasts, jump up and find yourself down, so you can jump once again, to seduce holy priests. It is a death of a clown. „I see, I see…“ she thinks, while It bleeds.
Pokračovanie článkuGirl in forest, red she was, she was dancing, maybe running, nobody believed in ghosts. Now she is stunning, flying in wind like those, like those… Sacred girl, girl of Oz.
Pokračovanie článkuFico vycestoval do Ruska na pracovnú cestu.
Putin už hrozil, že Rusko v reakcii na ukrajinské útoky na ruské územie zameria centrum Kyjeva hypersonickou balistickou strelou.
Obaja piloti boli zachránení živí, pričom jeden z nich utrpel pri incidente ľahké zranenia.
Ukrajina bude útočiť na vojenské ciele v Rusku a čoraz častejšie ukrajinskými zbraňami, uviedol Volodymyr Zelenskyj.