Archív: apríl, 2014


Angels stopped fighting love is not coming. Wishing me best, who´ve chosen the date? We only forget things that are not important for us. This is not life, only one cursed glance back. O became Zero, and could have become so much more… Devils are coming… And I shall greet them all. With heart open and soul. You shall not pass. Anymore.

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Bude to pre všetkých, ktorí niekedy niekomu odpustili + G

Volám sa Maroš Baran a v sobotu predstavím formou fashion performance novú odevnú kolekciu inšpirovanú životom a dielom anglického básnika a maliara Williama Blakea. Pôjde o projekt s názvom THE GREAT RED DRAGON a hlavnou témou bude „odpustenie“. Tento článok som sa rozhodol napísať preto aby som ujasnil isté veci. Budem písať úprimne a pravdivo. […]

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And go and run and smile and laugh and cry and weep and be. Then I will explain you that you are not only one to carry pain, my Dear.

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– Why the tears? Well… why the tears… I was hoping you to see. You and others, as you promised… However at the end, there will be only empty sea. And all would be perfectly fine, if nobody would mention the possibility to come. Because I was not really expecting, but when you spoke, I started to dream. That´s why tears, my Dear. So let me weep my cruel fate,and sigh […]

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When you´ll see smoke, it will be me. I forgive you, you forgive me. Clouds will cover castle cursed, what mighty once was, now are only ruins. Like you… Ashes and flowers wedding will fuse. Like you… So tell me something and I will be mute. Like you… And clouds will happen smoke to be. Day when you will wake up is coming. Finally. So scream, my Dear, scream, scream, scream. […]

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D is half but O if full, be awaken at tonights full moon. Something sleeps now, something dreams, silent fire, my sweet Dear, released will be,tonight, yes it will. Three mute guardians carry Code. Forgiveness is what you seek. I seek also… when heart slowed. However, until we break the dream, sleep, my Dear, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. Little time until you´ll […]

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She wished to find some friend, wandering around the forest. She wished to find a lover, so her sorrow could end. She wished to find a teacher, but already he passed away. She wished to find herself, however, she found only man. And he was not friend, nor lover, and he could not teach her anything at all. So she began to search again. In forest, with sorrow, against the Death. She is wandering, […]

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When night falls down, you should sleep. When you sleep, night should be Red. Is your dream deep? Or are you just cruising… Remember what I´ve said… Up, up, up, up.

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You promised me to seduce the priest, instead, you´ve found only me. Every hand you touched so far, burning flowers, yes they are. Each flower alone burns, burns, burns,burn, only this way one can learn. So learn my Dear, learn and burn. Until I wake up from this dream. To God I will only speak. Then you can call yourself – Holy Sacred Cursing Priest and I won´t seduce you, my Dear I […]

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One is special one is sad. True is not – not knowing why. You will lose, lose all you have. Only then you won´ t be sad. Blessed my Dear, blessed.. As you are. Now you tell me, tell me now, what is on your, your, my Dear, mind.

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KVÍZ: Ako dobre poznáte staré slovenské filmy?

KVÍZ: Ako dobre poznáte staré slovenské filmy?

01.02.2025 06:00

Pripravili sme pre vás kvíz, ktorý overí vaše znalosti starej slovenskej klasiky.

1074. deň: Zmocnenec USA pre Ukrajinu Kellogg: Trump je majstrom v obchodovaní, bude tlačiť na Moskvu aj Kyjev. Máme dobrý plán

1074. deň: Zmocnenec USA pre Ukrajinu Kellogg: Trump je majstrom v obchodovaní, bude tlačiť na Moskvu aj Kyjev. Máme dobrý plán

01.02.2025 06:55

Trumpov zmocnenec pre Ukrajinu Kellogg by rád videl výsledky rokovaní o Ukrajine čo najskôr. Trump bude podľa neho tlačiť obidve strany k dohode.

Pri Fačkove medveď napadol človeka, musel ho transportovať vrtuľník

Pri Fačkove medveď napadol človeka, musel ho transportovať vrtuľník

01.02.2025 15:37

Bližšie informácie záchranári poskytnú po skončení zásahu.

Črtá sa nové strategické bojisko medzi Ruskom, Čínou a Západom. Môže za to klíma

Črtá sa nové strategické bojisko medzi Ruskom, Čínou a Západom. Môže za to klíma

01.02.2025 07:44

Klimatické zmeny vytvárajú ďalší rizikový priestor, o ktorý sa stále viac zaujímajú veľkí geopolitickí hráči.


Píšem lebo chcem.

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